Celeb-Endorsed Tips for Enjoying Quiet Moments Alone 

Life under the spotlight takes some getting used to. The constant commotion, the paparazzi, and the fans are overwhelming. Celebrities understand that it goes with the territory, but it also comes with a cost – peace of mind. Celebs are constantly being hounded everywhere they go, from gas stations to quick stops, grocery stores, restaurants, malls– you name it. It’s a buzz kill. The more popular they are, the worse it gets. And with websites like ‘Talk to The Press,’ virtually anybody can sell a celebrity story to the mass media. And they pay incredibly well for stories about A-listed celebrities and offer a chunk of change for buzz about C-listed celebs, too. 

The Bigger the Name the Bigger the House

As a Hollywood superstar, entertainer, musician, magician, or performer, it can be challenging to enjoy quiet moments alone. But when big names like Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone, Channing Tatum, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Sigourney Weaver, or Salma Hayek finally get a break from prying eyes, what do they do? 

Truthfully, most camp out in expansive, idyllic resort-style palaces, far removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Many A-listers own beautiful properties in remote states like Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado. They just camp out and enjoy the good life.

And when they’re alone, they’ve got all sorts of hobbies, interests, and entertainment pursuits. Some enjoy riding around on their 4×4 ATVs on their mega properties like Arnold Schwarzenegger. He also enjoys having his donkeys in his kitchen, smoking fine Cuban cigars, and enjoying the company of lifelong friends like Sylvester Stallone and icons from his bodybuilding glory years.

Time Out with Solitaire Games in Movies and in Person 

Other celebrities stick to time-tested games and entertainment attractions that many of us enjoy. Take solitaire, for example – it’s the perfect game for anyone looking for some downtime. Scores of celebs love playing this game. Solitaire’s mystique features prominently in Hollywood blockbusters like Live and Let Die from 1973, where now legendary James Bond takes a fancy to a beautiful fortune teller named Solitaire.

There’s also the film The Manchurian Candidate, directed by John Frankenheimer, which features a scene where the bad guys invite Raymond Shaw to play a game of solitaire. And for animation fans, there’s always the Lego Movie of 2014. Here, one of the characters is secretly caught playing solitaire on his Windows computer. This game has captivated audiences all over the world. 

In solitaire, players are tasked with shifting cards around to form four ascending piles of suited cards. It’s a challenging game because of a countdown timer and a limited number of cards in play. The quicker the game is solved, the bigger the points tally. Even the legendary Tom Hanks played plenty of solitaire games during the pandemic. And so did millions of other players around the world!

Travel and Tourism

Many celebrities have ditched Hollywood for life abroad. People overseas tend to be slightly more forgiving about celebrities making their homes in foreign lands. But it’s not always the case. Tina Turner lived in Switzerland for many years. Zac Efron moved to Australia in 2020, and Lindsay Lohan relocated to Dubai in 2017. Madonna has lived and worked all over the world, and she particularly enjoys Portugal, while George Clooney made a permanent residence in Italy several years ago. Johnny Depp, ever the eccentric, spends a lot of his time in France, England, and the Bahamas. 

Of course, there are dozens more Hollywood A-listers who have properties all over the world. The world’s most famous illusionist – David Copperfield – owns 11 islands in the Bahamas, and spends a great deal of his time (outside of Las Vegas) in the islands. Of course, he also owns a 31,000 ft.² ranch-style home in a secluded, gated community in Summerlin, Las Vegas. Plus guys like David Copperfield, David Blaine, and Chris Angel simply make themselves disappear for some downtime. And if the paparazzi aren’t careful enough they may become part of a grand disappearing act too!

These are some of the ways that celebrities get a little breather from the pulse-pounding action of daily life. While many relish the bright lights of fame and fortune, it can get a little too much at times. That’s when they take a breather. We all deserve some downtime! 

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